5 Types of Yacht Purchasers

If conventional wisdom had it, the only people that would purchase yachts are 'the super rich that have nothing better to do with their money and don't care about anyone besides themselves'; but as much as the super rich is correct, who and why poses a different question all together.

A big criticism I have in regards to how yachting advertisements are portraited is a yacht is fit only for those craving sheer sophistication and the ultimate luxuries that look like italian models, which can be a turn off for many actual yacht owners, not those that take those lifestyle photos on the yacht.

Yacht owners do however typically fall into one of five categories.

  1. Playboys & Party Animals - If you've ever watched a movie where they're partying on a yacht, such as this clip from Entourage: The Movie, this is what you envision; bikini clad women filling every bit of open space onboard the yact while drinking straight from a bottle of champagne. While this is most certainly a possibility for you onboard your yacht, this represents the minority of yacht owners, but hey, nobody ever declines an invitation to party on a yacht.  
  2. Retiree - If you've said to yourself for years that once you stop working or retire, you're going to sail the world, this is for you. The retiree is a common purchaser for the sense that the sacrificed, risked and missed out on many enjoyable experiences over their careers and retirement presents the opportunity to spoil one's self while living out dreams, as there are few obligations and adequate financial means. 
  3. Family Man - Whether it's your children, grandchildren, friends or your jealous brother you look forward to having onboard, a yacht presents the opportunity to create unparalleled memories and experiences. 
  4. Divorcee - Whether you're celebrating your recent divorce or recovering, a yacht is a great transitional tool to provide a distraction, a new entertainment venue or an escape. Divorcees actually tend to be the ones that get the most use out of their yachts. 
  5. The Networker / Company - Yachting is a unique business tool; your yacht is docked in marinas alongside of other similarly sized and priced yachts which allows you to develop a relatioinship with a number of other successful yacht owners. On the other end, entrepreneurs and companies utilize their yachts to host client meetings, reward employees or a number of other business benefits that can be seen here. 

Which category do you fall into? Do you fall into multiple categories? Think I missed one?

Be sure to request your Free copy of your Yachtlytics report here, or reach out to me with any and all questions regarding your potential yachting experience, as I'll be thrilled to help. 

- Christopher 'The Yacht Hunter' Mortimer


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