Why Your Company Needs a Corporate Yacht

A yacht is easily the most effective, unique, and undiscovered business tool that your business isn’t taking advantage of but very well should be. The select companies worldwide that are currently leveraging their yachts to facilitate and influence business, have done so by creating an unparalleled sense of intrigue for their clients, fans, customers and competitors alike.

For anyone with a pulse and an ounce of ambition, a yacht serves as an undisputed symbol of success which means that a yacht can be critical in projecting the success of your business. Whether your company chooses to purchasecharter or sponsor a yacht, the business benefits are as follows:

1.   Client Entertainment – Every client or company you’re pitching has undoubtedly, already been to the steak house, board room, golf course or the ball game suite, with both you and your competitor(s), on most likely, multiple occasions.

Instead of extending sales cycles, accruing unnecessary overhead or risking the loss of business to your competitors, wouldn’t you prefer to close deals quicker and with the utmost authority? By inviting your clients to the dock or for a cruise, you’ll transform your clients’ distant dream into a reality, which is sure to demonstrate your authenticity, commitment and need for their business. (Be prepared for fatigued muscles around the mouth, due to dropped jaws and cramped hands from signatures.)

2.   Employee Incentive – Motivating and incentivizing employees is an intricate and complex science; we offer time off, cash bonuses, vacations and other perks only to see the same employees obtain these rewards or an eventual plateau in performances. In a day and age where our social media clout dictates so many of our actions, the opportunity to take a selfie onboard the company yacht is bound to benefit your bottom line while triggering otherwise untapped potential.

3.   Attracting Top Talent – It’s inevitable that your competitors will catch wind of how amazing your company yacht is which will allow you to cannibalize your competition due to the fact that their top producers will 'jump ship' to join your team accompanied by their highest profile clients.

For the simple math of it, that's increased revenues, more satisfied employees and less time or incentives allocated towards recruiting top talent which is a surefire way to benefit your bottom line.

4.   Brand Prestige – I’m the first to tell you that yachts are capital intensive, both in their purchase and operation, but the risk and consideration undertaken by your company is sure to result in envy by your fans, customers, clients and competitors alike.

(Is there anything more representive of economic success than a yacht? Tweet here)

5.   Alternative Negotiation – How many times have your negotiations stalled over purely financial considerations, only to have an unrelated or outside value add of sorts, bring the deal to fruition?

Depending on your industry and company policies, having the ability to offer a counter party or decision maker the opportunity to enjoy a weekend in the Bahamas or South of France aboard your yacht with their family, allows you to turn your sunk costs (the crewed yacht you already own) into that of a near priceless perceived value by the other party, which is sure to result in a more company favorable agreement.

6.   *Tax Benefits – There are number of ways yachts are leveraged as strategic tax tools, and you should always consult with a CPA or maritime attorney before jumping head first into your yachting experiences, but the most common practice is that yachts are purchased through a subsidiary company, and made available for charter. The effort to generate revenues rarely exceeds the operational expenses which means that the note, crew salaries, depreciation and operational aspects create a business loss, which reduces an individual's or companie's taxable basis, and thus making yacht ownership significantly more attractive then it initially appears.

*To assure you obtain the maximum tax benefits from your yacht, please speak to a maritime attorney or certified public accountant.

Is a yacht a good fit for your business? Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have or to schedule a FREE yacht purchasing consultation, at cm@theyachthunter.com. As the creator of YachtZero and Yachtlytics, my responsibility is to assure that yacht purchasers are well educated, their financial considerations are protected and there yachting experiences are thoroughly enjoyed.

If you're not interested in purchasing but are interested in sponsorship of a yacht or any charter, your company may be eligible for a number of opportunities and discounts through the Yacht Hunter's Network of Partners. 


5 Types of Yacht Purchasers